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Enjoying Life’s [Not So] Hidden Treasures

October 29, 2014


“There! Go down that street! I think I see something that might work”.

We were driving around Pittsburgh, had just finished our 5th coffee shop of the day, and were predictably cracked out (this is a professional industry insider term meaning you’ve had so much coffee that you’re about to kill someone, and usually anyone will do) and predictably in dire need of a bathroom. We do have a bathroom in the RV, but some bathroom needs are best done in other places, if you follow. So we were utilizing our PDA (Problem solving by Driving Around) when Carissa saw a clue around a corner and off we went.   As we rounded the corner and headed further up the hill, we were soon assured that this was going to do better than just “work”. We had just hit the jackpot. We had stumbled by complete accident into Pittsburgh’s finest public space, Highland Park. This gorgeous park is situated on one of the city’s highest hills, where the public water works operates the reservoir, and it is absolutely stunning. With fantastic views, an unusual (and huge) play structure, clean public restrooms, plenteous free parking, and a well maintained variety of fabulous trees and plants, we felt like we had discovered a hidden treasure by accident, and were just reveling in the moment of our discovery. It was glorious. We had spent the past couple of days bouncing from Target to Lowe’s parking lots (both have free wifi you can pick up from the parking lot) and were starting to see why Pittsburgh’s big claim to fame is steel. Who knew they actually had such stunning natural beauty to boot?!?


Highland Park Reservoir, complete with ducks, blue sky, and gorgeous foliage

res entrance

The entrance to the park is marked with these imposing statues of naked people designed by some Italian dude in the 1800’s

But as we spent the afternoon there and I continued thinking on the unlikelihood of our good fortune, I began to realize this wasn’t that unusual. Come to think of it, we have these types of amazing experiences all the time. And that’s when it occurred to me that all of life is kinda that way. The very best that life has to offer are often things that you are just handed, through no particular effort of your own. Think of it: A child’s laugh. A beautiful sunset. A conversation with a friend. Or stumbling into some random park which was just what you needed, just when you needed it. Life is just bursting with little gifts of awesome, everywhere you turn.

Thanks, life. You bring me constant, abundant goodness and beauty. And I really appreciate it.


The playground was a community project including local architects and what-not. It’s fun AND weird, which is like saying it’s TRIPLE FUN!

res RV too

Home for the evening

res RV

Harvey the RV loves parking in lovely settings

res trees

The playground is nestled among these gorgeous trees

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One Comment
  1. Sherry Borders permalink

    that resevoir pic is amazing!!!! 2 days till game time!!!!!

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